

Dear Heart, thank you for not giving out on me after all of these years.

Dear Gag Reflex, thank you for being so obliging when you really shouldn't be.

Dear Fingers, thank you for not being reluctant these days.

Dear Body, thank you for staying standing when I'm dizzy and for running when I find a treadmill and for sleeping when I'm lonely.

Dear Dreams, thank you for keeping me away.

Dear In-Real-Life friends, thank you for not noticing.

Dear Online friends, thank you for loving the monster I tell you I am.

Dear Mother, thank you for becoming too nice.

Dear Father, thank you for being too proud.

Dear Soul, thank you for not giving up this year at least.


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My photo
18. Collegiate. Bulimic. Romantic.
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Ribbon Belly and the Vultures Inside by Cheeks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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