
A New Plan

800 Calories Maximum - 4 days/week (TBD)
Fast - 3 days/week
Lax - 1 day/week
Weeklong Caloric Average - 400 Calories Maximum/day
Pilates/Yoga can be done every day.
In-Gym Cardio can only be done on intake days. Cardio can not be deducted from intake.
Maximum 10 grams fat, 900mg sodium on intake days.

This is not a plan to stop myself from eating. This is a plan so that I can make myself eat. Fasting has gotten to be too easy, and I cannot allow myself to mentally be stunted in my freshman year of college. I cannot fail. I must be the best I can be everywhere, not just on my waistline.


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My photo
18. Collegiate. Bulimic. Romantic.
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